More than any political or social issue.

More than any political or social issue.
Your take on cantrips in games can really color my view of you as a DM and a human being.

Don't be an untermensch. Dig on the 40 years of goodness that is minor magic. Or move to Somalia you freak.



  1. As a GM I support their inclusion. But as a player I love cantrips. They don't have to be the damage dealing kind from 5E either. Just a couple random tricks and oddities to throw around at will suit me just fine.

  2. I'm all about a long list of random abilities that are free to use/cheap whether they deal damage or just say "Hey I bet you can't do this!"

  3. Cantrips that do damage.
    You don't have to remind us that Mr. Gygax has past.


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