As per my regularly scheduled meditation.

As per my regularly scheduled meditation.
I sat down once again with issue #299. Probably my favorite issue of Dragon because of one Michael Tresca.

His take on Knights and D&D brought about some pretty interesting games. As a single player is now responsible for just about everything and the other PCs are there to serve him or her.

It makes for a very cinematic style of game play and his honor system goes along way to keeping your knight on the straight, narrow and sometimes suicidal path of the ostensibly good guy. (YMMV)

To that i am always excited to find more gaming magazines on the interwebs. Because they too could hold such inspiration in their pages and really light up a campaign.

So, take some time with a good gaming mag. I would suggest doing it every day. It can only improve your mood and get you in some interesting games.


  1. Thanks for the compliment! My one of two submissions to the magazine. Look for the cover error about "Angles and Demons" :)

  2. You took D&D in a well codified and welcome direction. It was nice to have it all drawn out to show players at the start of a game.

    It made for a very memorable D&D group.

    It's rare to be able to thank the man who made it possible.

    Thank you Michael Tresca. Your idea lead to a hell of a campaign.


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