
Showing posts from September, 2016

It's Friday night!

Holy cats!

It's Thor's Day!

Good news everybody!

Midweek is here and your mission is clear!

For some odd reason.

Well, this is interesting.

One day.

If you ask around.

Last night. I felt a disturbance in the force.

It's Friday night!

Regular heartburn and a steady diet of dragon magazine has lead to much thought on the history of cites and shitty...

It's Thor's Day!

Midweek is upon us!

Attention Artists!

From time to time i venture out into the internet and quickly come back to my delightful corner of the interwebs.

It's Thor's Day and it's time to catch up on the last week's games!

Indigestion and a trip back to 1995 with issue 17 of Shadis magazine.

It's Friday and i know i have a night of games with my favorite group of heavily armed assholes.

Thor's day!

It's midweek and it's time for some Gamer Chat!

I just started watching Stranger Things and i got hit with 2 things.

Have you already picked up your copy of Indie Hack?

More good press on the Indie Hack.

So tonight Chris Mata introduced me to something on the internet.

It's Friday night!

It's Thor's day!