I've been reading Marvel Heroic RPG.

I've been reading Marvel Heroic RPG.
When it came out there was a goodly bit of excitement and i played in several games. I dug the system and i learned that if i play Iron Man he gets his ass kicked by some random NPC, every time.

But as i am historically bad at Super Heroes as they once were. I would have been blackballed by the Comic Book Code people. Who knew kids carrying beer was that big a deal to people. So handing me a pre generated character is probably the safest bet if you want Superman and not his no ambition cousin from Key West.

So this list is just perfect for the jackwagon like me who doesn't seem to grok everything. But has watched enough films of the '80's to get superman.


  1. That game was the game that taught me to never trust a "read" review of an RPG. Reading it it sounded horrible. Trying to teach it from the book was horrible. Then we started playing and it was magnificent. By far my favourite modern RPG system. I absolutely love it. But man that book did a horrible job of imparting how to play or why things work they way they do.

  2. MHR is actually my favorite superheroes RPG, because it manages to create a dynamic "just as in the comics". Something that most other superhero RPG don't achieve.  - Cam Banks did a GREAT job with this one.

  3. I have to agree. I've been reading it today and it is rather hard to follow.

    I think i'll just have to run a game or two of it and see how my poor brain handles it.

  4. Terrible read, great to play. Campaign play not my thing with it. Wish Margaret Weiss would do the version that was supposed to come out two years ago... But likely never happen.

  5. Not my favourite cortex System (Firefly always wins) but still my favourite game

  6. It has a really strong G+ community and a lot of pick up games happen over roll twenty. it might be worth trying to play a game before you run it.


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