
Showing posts from May, 2018

It's Thor's Day!

It's Midweek!

While pondering modern settings.

As i am awakened by claws.

It's Thor's Day!

Well, crap.

For those of you interested in more gamery goodness on this Wednesday. Check out the folks over at Tenkar's Tavern.

It's midweek!

Oh the 1980's.

It was suggested to me.

Last night, on Alternity Playtest.

It's Thor's Day!

It's time again!

A peek inside what is a text book.

I got me some treasure. A 850 some odd page history of the Maya. All illuminated, illustrated.

It's Thor's Day!


Some of the best conversations i have ever had.

Ask anybody. I'm a jackass.

It's Thor's day!

It's midweek!

If you are looking for more news of gaming!