It's been a while in the making. But it's in the final rounds of polish and swearing!

It's been a while in the making. But it's in the final rounds of polish and swearing!

I'll be looking for a few people who would like to tell me how horrible it is so i can add that to the back cover.

It is a collection of odd artifacts to place in your game to confound and irritate your PCs. Some of it is very powerful while others are just magical oddities created by madmen.

But it is yet another installment from Giant Dragons and a first author credit for William Lalone!


  1. It sucks! Doh! Wait a minute!

    I haven't read it yet. ROFLMAO

  2. How about: "Tell your spouse! Tell your Friends! But don't tell your parents because they'll wonder why you're still into this sorta crap! Better yet, don't tell your spouse either.

  3. Jonathan Henry Perhaps . . . but I doubt that it does. LOL

  4. My spouse didn't understand gaming.
    I got to keep all the books in the divorce.

  5. Jonathan Henry THAT'S the important thing . . . trust me.  ;-)


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