Mayhap it's just me.

Mayhap it's just me.
But, with current political nonsense and the international reach of the internet. Some folks have said some shit to our friends and allies that would have a man picking up his teeth with broken fingers in polite company.
So let me break it down for ya.
If the guy or gal you are talking to is in Eastern Europe. Calling said person a Communist or a Fascist is a pretty easy way to start a fight. For while you may have learned about the horrors of communism in school. They grew up with it's boot on the neck of their loved ones. The same goes for many of our friends and neighbors in South America who have had murderous bands of Commies roaming the country side. Raping and murdering for the last several decades.
Calling somebody a Fascist is also a great way to get called an asshole. Because in many Eastern European and Western European countries. Fascist have killed more family members than cancer in recent memory. The Nazis tore more than one generation of people apart with murder and torture. Equating good people to the monstrous evil of the Nazis is a great way to get your teeth kicked in.
So while the internet is full of hyperbole. Some of it is easily spotted as wrong headed and in my wonderful home state considered "Fighting Words".
So think before you use some doublespeak with our allies. Because odds are they are some pretty fuckin' cool people from a long line of fuckin' cool people. Who i hope can see that your words do not stand for your countrymen.
So if you see behavior like that mentioned above. Speak up. Tell the offender to chill the fuck out and quit being an asshole. For while it seems America has a large population of people who can't take it, they are more than happy to dish it out.
In the immortal words of The Bill and Ted. "Be Excellent To Each Other".
I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
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