So the claws of hunger wake me again.

So the claws of hunger wake me again.
Not mine, but Grandma's.
I was having the oddest dream.
Imagine if you will.
You are the first language capable hominid.
Surrounded by small groups that lack spoken word.
How would you use this to your advantage?
Would to take a multigenerational plan or is there a simple way to communicate with non verbal beings that doesn't border on operant conditioning and loads of negative reinforcement?
I return to sleep puzzled but hopeful for a good stone age RPG.
It is thought that glory and honor are strictly a human concept. When is the last time you saw a hominid rescue one of its own from a rival tribe attack or a pack of predators, no one helps you, no one bands together, they all just run. Maybe that is your inroad to teaching.