My D&D games of old are an odd mix of high magic and old technology.

My D&D games of old are an odd mix of high magic and old technology. 
Lighters, lightning balls, flintlocks and cannon.

You can roll up a character or just pick one from the fancy website below. 

I will be ignoring XP as per usual and character advancement is based around arguments and actions. (I.E. My idea saved the villagers, that should totally make me a 3rd level fighter!)

Magic items are plentiful and often times dangerous. 


  1. It sounds good.
    I could live with a few more players but Casey Abbruzzese and peewee rota seal the deal.

    I will always have room for an NCO needing to kill something after a hard day.
    As well as for the accomplished author who wishes for nothing more than your time.

    I'm gonna need 3 game characters and 5 game characters.  
    I'll try to keep it a short campaign.

  2. I've got a pretty cool Thief, Elf, and Fighter I could play using some of the random generators

    Any thoughts on party composition?


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