Tonight in D&D.

Tonight in D&D.

A young man again learned an old lesson of D&D.
Don't split the party.

Our resident Thief tried robbing a random guy in a tent city. It didn't go well. So he bashed the man's head in. When 3 others came to see what was going on. He killed them with a hammer as well.

But that took long enough for a fire to break out and a crowed to gather.

The wizard then used the parties fame to offer gladiatorial combat with the thief. An Oger of a man showed up. Gold changed hands and the thief's last combat began.

In the midst of combat one of the wizards turned him invisible and so our thief tried to rob the wizard of the fight purse. He didn't make it and ended up on the ground. Where he was beaten to death.

He's with the angels now. He's also rolling up a new character.
