D&D and the Army taught me something about myself.

D&D and the Army taught me something about myself.
Mainly that i will most probably die in a mugging gone wrong, that i had nothing to do with in the first place. And to always inspect my surroundings for treasure.
So i might have a bit of a tan come summer. Because all of the treasure is out there and i only keep it inside.
Keep your eyes peeled kiddos. I have paid for summer vacations with accumulated change.
And always be ready to roll for intuitive.
I always fail my intuitive rolls.
ReplyDeleteThen set up an ambush and eliminate it completely.
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's easier to poison everyone to get one guy. But you have to be Lawful Good or Lawful Evil to pull it off.
Anywho, the ambush thing still works out well.
Remember when "lawful" characters couldn't use poison? Because, apparently, poisoning someone is chaotic, but stabbing them with a sword is totally fine for lawful people?
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's why they execute criminals with beheading rather than poison? Those Ancient Greeks were so chaotic!