Today's most deadly combat came from a Flesh Golem.

Today's most deadly combat came from a Flesh Golem.
In discovering a magical laboratory. The party and their hirelings face down this monster. For 4 rounds they pummel the thing to no avail. Losing a henchman and learning that only magic can hurt the thing.
They flee out of the cave structure and the Golem hurls boulders after them.
They regroup and arm themselves with magic arrows.
Then they set up an ambush.
Because of the Golem's low intelligence it quickly finds itself peppered with arrows and crossbow bolts. Killing it in the first round of combat.
Some treasure was found. A bag of holding and a shit load of spell components.
It was a busy session. 3 gamers i have been trying to get into a game showed up and did a great job of killing things and taking its stuff.
Hopefully next week some of them might be 2nd level.
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