Oh yeah.

Oh yeah.
So goodness came in the mail today.


  1. Guess I haven't been paying attention - what is the Lost Handbook for AD&D?

  2. The lost handbook is a compilation of articles from Dragon and Dungeon magazines for 1st edition.

    The lost handbook and the Dragon compendium came today. Both are books i have been looking for, for a good long time.

  3. Got mine as well. At work, but at a glance it's pretty groovy.

  4. Doesn't that look good beside those other orange hard backs?!

  5. Why are your D&D boxed sets so pristine? Something unnatural going on here.

  6. Because they are newish.
    I had the books already. I found boxed sets for sale and i picked them up. I wasn't going to walk away from 5 buck box sets.


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