There is something about 19th century histories that i find rather compelling.

There is something about 19th century histories that i find rather compelling. Mostly it's a frank description of people being monsters. The world was a harsh place in which to be born and being a bastard was a tried and true survival method.

As historians took that in. They wrote about such folk as if they would always dot the landscape in a way that they do not today. Today most of the behavior of history would get you put in a small dark room where you would be feed through a hole in a door. So to read about a world where many or the worlds malidies are allowed to run loose. It's makes for an interesting view on history.

It's also why my D&D games are so often filled with rotten bastards and wrongheaded dipshittery of human spirit is often the norm.

This week when i find a moment. I will be reading some of the works of John Stoddard. Now you at home can read along with this his 10th volume of lectures.


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