Hear ye, hear ye.

Hear ye, hear ye.
Gather round boys and girls.
It's story time.

Join me as DM Dan takes us back to the 1970's to learn a bit more about the drama that was gaming. Take a tour through history and learn a bit more about the why behind the Advanced in AD&D. It's a rip roaring good read and gives some insight to the trivia of TSR and some of the biggest names in gaming.

No spoilers, but i think it does a great job of showing us the men and women behind the work. As well as further illustrating how Gary Gygax became the man we all remember so fondly.

Thanks to Ben McFarland for the original post here on G+.


  1. I count myself lucky in that not only did I live through all that, as a gamer, but got to talk to Gary, Frank Metzger, Jim Ward and several others about what they remembered about it. Probably what I like most about old school Conventions such as NTRPGCon. Getting to meet and talk to these people, and get their personal perspectives. Getting to talk to so many of Gary's sons and daughters, and learning what it was like to grow up within all that, is also very cool. Which is what can happen at Gary Con, and did for me.


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