Wowsers folks!

Wowsers folks!
Lots of angry people out there today.
So, to further my goodly gaming let me take a different tact.
I love me some games.
I love me the folks who make games and play games. They are some of my favorite people.
To that end, i would rather say thank you than to air my spleen and shout about being treated unfairly.
Here goes.
Thanks to Joshua Burnett a great artist from the great state of Ohio. Thanks to Cameron Corniuk a good friend and a great DM. Thanks to Jennifer Corniuk for not killing Cam even knowing i would help get rid of his body. Thanks to Joshua Macy for creating great games and being a fantastic DM. Thanks to Cavin DeJordy for rocking the Pay to Play scene. Thanks to Keith Bailey for being a great gamer and a Marine. Thanks to Benjamin Kramer for telling great stories and keeping me and mine safe with the sacrifice of time with your own family. Thanks to Mark Knights for being a constant inspiration to gamers everywhere. Showing us to follow our dreams and make them real. Thanks to Kristin Hunt for always having her finger on the pulse of gaming i would otherwise miss out on. Don't work to hard, we miss you here. Thanks to Frank Falkenberg for taking so much time out of your day to talk games and roll dice with us while he is a world away. Thank you to Shawn Driscoll for being the man on all things Traveller. Thank you to Robert Brumbelow for bringing your thoughts to my table. While you are a polarizing figure you always temper it by being the good guy. Thanks to Sean Patrick Fannon for being the hardest working man in the industry. You show that hard work pays off. Thank you to Jerrod Gunning for showing us all the best side of savage worlds and being one of the most fun people on the internet. Thank you to Norbert Franz for bringing news and reviews on the latest and greatest in Germany, even if it is in the middle of the night. Thank you to John W. Sheldon for sharing so many tips and tricks with cameras and dice. Thank you to Juan Ochoa for all of the mind blowing art that has made the RPG world that much prettier. Thank you to Alice Peng for your constant inspiration in the midst of struggles that would have put Hercules in an early grave. Thanks to Yi Weng for the great art and ideas you have shared. If more folks had your passion the world would be a better place. Thank you to Don Noll for all of your insight into fantasy gaming, cars and the joys of knowing that Santa is real and lives in Nashville. Thank you to Aaron McLin for bringing such wonderful perspectives to games and the gamers who play them. I have learned much from you and look forward to learning more. Thank you to peewee rota and his long suffering wife Casey Abbruzzese who has put up with him some how for years and years. You guy are great to have at any function. Thank you to Tony Love for bringing so many gamers to my attention. I wouldn't be having half the fun i have were it not for you. Thank you to Glen Hallstrom for creating my favorite character sheet of all time and being the most inspirational actor to ever roll dice. Thank you to Gerardo Tasistro for keeping me up to date on all things of the Spanish speaking world. I greatly enjoy talking to you and hearing your view of the world. Thank you to Kenneth Lor for being one of the best personalities on the internet. You are awesome and we could all stand to have more of the Captain in our lives. You are missed around these parts. Thank you to Vb Wyrde for all of the great projects you are running. You get more people to game because they want to game with you. That is a gift to the world. Thank you to Lloyd Gyan for being just so damn excited by life that everyone else in the world is lifted by it. You are an international treasure. Thank you to Daniel Stull for all you do with D6. I know i have let you down with a lack of Russian violence, but i'll try and make it up to you. Thank you to Wayne Humfleet for always being the best example of professionalism and joy. It means a lot to see such a great example of what a man should be. Putting the Role Model into Role Playing. Thank you to Reece Carter for just being you. You are a shining example of what a good friend and ally means. Thank you for taking care of my boys downrange, it means the world to me. Thank you to Jose LaCario for your occasional visits and always leave us wiser and more enthusiastic for games. If nobody has told you today, you are the man. Thank you to John B for spending what little free time you have with us. I know that the world demands your attention so we appreciate it all the more when you can spend a moment with us. Thank you to Robert Hanz for being the wise man on the mountain. You have taught many of us to see our games on many different levels. Thank you Douglas Cole for your insights into so many things that interest gamers and for creating so many things for gamers to enjoy. Thank you to Keith Jacobson for running so many games here on G+ every week. You are the Iron Horse of G+. Thank you to Adam Dickstein for being one of the most creative people i have had the pleasure of speaking with. You astound me good sir. Thank you to matt jackson for not only making maps and great gaming stuff. But creating a world where i am safe to roll dice and play at pretend violence instead of having real violence in my back yard. Thank you to Alex Hakobian for giving me hours and hours of fun and enjoyment because you did all the heavy lifting. Thank you to Tadeusz Cantwell for being a grand old story teller. You always keep us up with gaming in Ireland and i am thankful for it. Thank you to T.J. King for being a great gamer. We miss ya around here. Thank you to James Paese for your years of hard work on a game that you love. Your work inspires others.
I could go on, but i just wanted to mention everybody i think of when i think of good google gaming. These are just the folks that came off the top of my head. I'm sure there are plenty more out there i should thank for making my games the wonderful things they are.
After i hit enter and sent it all off to the interwebs i remembered the world wide celebrity that should have been on that list as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you Moe Tousignant. You are the most consistently interesting person i have ever seen on the internet. Why you aren't in moves and TV is something that continues to vex and confuse me.
That would fix any visa issues you might have Juan Ochoa. Let's call that plan F.
ReplyDeleteAlways glad to see your enthusiasm for games and the people you are lucky enough to play them with!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jonathan Henry ... much appreciated. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's like reading the credits of an awesome RPG movie or something.
ReplyDelete"While you are a polarizing figure you always temper it by being the good guy." Let me tell you why I am the only one with a caveat redacted by the man and thats why you are all wrong, I am right and Rolemaster is the best system ever/ D100 Roll Over is superior to all.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words!
ReplyDeletegood on you for being positive and sharing that with the world rather than the usual vitriol we see from everybody.
ReplyDeleteYou deserve them Sean Patrick Fannon. I don't know of anyone who pushes themselves harder for other peoples enjoyment than you.
ReplyDeleteI just want you to know that it is appreciated every day.
Thanks Jonathan Henry, we'll see if my clients can end up not dying permanently tonight as they grace the presence of Tiamat. :)
ReplyDeleteYour posts never disappoint and I needed a bit of cheer today Jonathan Henry . today sucked for the most part.
ReplyDeleteTPK or GTFO. Cavin DeJordy.
ReplyDeleteIf only in the name of reconciliation.
Thank you Jonathan Henry I try, even though I know am super super niche.
ReplyDeleteI know Kristin Hunt.
ReplyDeleteBut there is demand out there and nobody better to do it.
Lol Sorry for not showing up all that much, life is kind of up and down with me lately. That being said I got busy making sessions for a in person DnD Game with some friends, so there is that. XD
ReplyDeleteWow. Now I'm somewhat famous! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd thank YOU Jonathan for giving us a forum to chat gaming and all other matter of life's goofy things, and being quite the raconteur to boot.
Thanks Jonathan Henry ! Did I miss some anger out there today? Been pretty hammered with work and moving and didn't even notice, but normally I just ignore the haters and negativity and try to focus on what's awesome, friends, family, and games, with a little Star Wars thrown in for good measure.
ReplyDeleteKeep it real Jonathan Henry
It has been a day of anger. Finger pointing and recriminations of both the personal and professional types.
ReplyDeleteIf you missed it, you haven't missed much.
Hmm, see, now my curiosity is peaked.
ReplyDeleteI can send you a few links if you would like.
ReplyDeleteBut everything goes off the rails in the comment sections.
Jonathan Henry You are an amazing person and I'm glad I met you too! ./big_hugs! You are never afraid to speak your mind and though you may come on strong, you have a very caring heart!
ReplyDeleteThank you for brightening my day!
Burn brightly, but take care not to burn out. /salute
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jonathan Henry. You have paid me a great compliment, and I am honored.
ReplyDeleteWell thanks Jonathan Henry!
ReplyDeleteYou say that often enough now I'm starting to think it's not actually sarcasm. Still not at all sure what makes me so interesting, and I'm definitely no world wide celebrity. :D
Also you have awesome tastes in gamer folk. Only two people on that list who I didn't have hooped already and instantly hooped thanks to this post.
ReplyDeleteThumbs Up!
Wow - I am internet famous still - I thought being a broke drunk who owns a game store destroyed gamer cred... Thanks Jonathan Henry, right back at you...
ReplyDeleteThanks, sir!
ReplyDeleteThank you Joshua Burnett I don't feel that people know what great things you have brought to gaming. It's a pleasure to know ya.