This is something i just picked up and read tonight.

This is something i just picked up and read tonight. It was great bed time reading and shows on 2 pages what many RPGs fail to show in 200.

It's an instant pick up game with loads of potential.

Well worth the 3 bucks.

Originally shared by David Schirduan

1. Releases new game on Wednesday
2. Life explodes Wednesday evening
3. Internet goes down Thursday
4. Life and internet return Sunday afternoon

I have 4 days of marketing to catch up on. HALP!

A new version of Kintsugi is out in the wild, and available for $2.99! That same page also includes a free, mobile-friendly version of the rules.

Kintsugi is a 2-page role-playing game where failure only makes you stronger.

You were created without flaws, perfect in every way. But doesn’t mean you can’t make mistakes and learn from them. Create your characters as your play, building them up through failure. A fast, simple game perfect for wacky one-shots or short adventures.
