Last weekend, on AD&D.

Last weekend, on AD&D.
So i've got a new player. He's a kid and he is fantastic.
He retired his last pc and started up with a new character.
This time he got to delve the PHB and DMG.
So, now he has hit points.
Loads of'em.
In our latest adventure. People have been going missing in a small fortress town. Darkness walks the streets and 70 people are missing, 3 openly murdered.
A tiny muddy boot print leads them to an underground tunnel. Dug by really little people.
The fighter of the group has to take off his armor and drag it along. The ranger, is pretty much as naked as a man can be and still keep our PG-13 rating.
Our 6 foot 8 half orc on the other hand, is stuck.
After freeing some hostages, our Ranger Buck Naked. Goes to the clergy and offer them thousands of gold in gems for magical assistance. They give him a shrinking potion. The catch is the last time this brew was used, it lasted 12 years.
Our Ranger thanked them and decided not to tell the orc that last bit.
Elves don't like orcs and all.
What followed was a load of "Gee whiz mister, i'm not supposed to take candy from strangers". Because, come on man. 12 years?
Or until somebody casts dispel magic.
As a reward for metagaming. The party left him standing in a tunnel with a boat load of NPCs.
Everybody feels bad about it, but ya gotta learn sometime.
How he deals with it will be the most important thing of them all.
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