Hey there guys and gals!

Hey there guys and gals!

I am building a list of those in the G+ community who blog about games and podcast on RPG topics.

If you have a favorite blog or podcast, shoot me a link and i will have them posted up in the largest RPG community on G+.


  1. My first post should go up on my blog tomorrow. O.o

  2. The Gauntlet, Discern Realities, and +1 Forward podcasts can be found here: http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/

  3. and thanks for doing this, Jonathan Henry !

  4. My favorites are Happy Jacks RPG Podcast (Stuart Venable) and Fear the Boot (Dan Repperger). Oh! And ONE SHOT Podcast (James D'Amato).

  5. Also Ken And Robin Talk About Stuff (Kenneth Hite and Robin Laws).

  6. attention: Andrew Shields​ and Bryan Mullins​

  7. Good stuff.
    If you would like to see a better description of your blog. drop a comment and i'll get it updated.

  8. The Gauntlet Podcast
    This is our community podcast, where we discuss the games we have been playing, as well as tips for getting the most out of your time at the game table. There is also an unhealthy amount of discussion about sexy werewolves.

    Discern Realities
    Our Dungeon World podcast is inspired by hobby magazines like Dragon and Gygax. Each episode contains play tips, reviews, original material for your game, and our 'comic strip' AP.

    +1 Forward
    +1 Forward is a show about games using the Apocalypse Engine. We cover these games in play, and talk about the many flavors of games Powered by the Apocalypse. Each episode will have a discussion about mechanics, as well as an example of play.


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