<TL:DR While we may make each other angry.

I think i just might make you angry.
That doesn't make me a bad person any more so than it makes you a bad person when you anger me. 

We will disagree on fundamental issues. We will rile at the mention of opposing politics. We will bicker over the minutiae of things. All the while thinking we are seeing the bigger picture. 

I wish we were. It would make the world a simpler place if we could just jam people into alignments. (Palladium or D&D, dealers choice.) But sadly what little Gygax there is in this universe, it doesn't affect most of the populus. But i digress.

Anger management is about being cool under pressure. I know you can do it. I've see a lot less imaginative people shine when the fit hit the shan. It's disagreeing and finding something else better to do. 

As gamers i find a great deal forgiveness can revolve around a D20. That old wounds can be healed by a 2nd level Cleric. And that son of a bitch who just won't shut the fuck up is one hell of a scraper in a fist fight. It's like he doesn't have a brain to concuss. 

So, disagree. But agree that those sorts of small dramas are what paint good games large. They are the interactions that people talk about and how teams of vastly different people are formed. 

So, be angry at me. I can take it. I want to hear your bad ideas and tell you mine. I want to play in your stories and be the kinda guy who is worth babysitting. Because he's just so damned useful. 

So, come on down. Call me names. Tell me about your half dragon kung fu gun cat. And let's get in some stressful situations. It'll give ya something to talk about.
