Last night, on Alternity Playtest.

Last night, on Alternity Playtest.
With last week's plan being, kill'em all and let the gods sort'em out. A little thought was injected. Not good thought mind you, but thought none the less.
A diversion was planned.
In each star system. There has been built a jump gun. It sends small ships without jump drives into jump space. Thus allowing for cheap transport of goods and people between systems. It is the backbone of any systems economy.
They blew it up.
That was enough of a diversion that nobody really cared about a small kerfuffle on a single settlement. Thus allowing the delivery of a truck full of guns.
It's sort of like planning 9-11 to steal a couple baseball cards.
When informed of the damage they did, and payed for their little mission. Their chief NPC Crime lord is about to offer them more work, when the sweet young lady of the group declares "If you give us any more missions. I will hunt you down and kill you.".
That puts the group into a bit of a spin. And for the rest of the game a character is kept out of the business side of things. For the sake of humanity.
A new job is negotiated. 5 doctors are taken aboard. They are doing something fishy. Our young lady begins planning on how she will kill the doctors. When asked why she responds with "You don't want anyone to get killed, well. Except for these people".
We have one more session of murderhobos in space. Then we will start a campaign of something different.
The playtest is going well. The game could use a little more work, but it is usable and defiantly identifiable as Alternity.
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