As sleep comes to over take me.

As sleep comes to over take me.
Let me tell you a story.
In that story, we follow a few characters.
They take risks. They do stupid stuff and it bites them in the ass.
But, if a million years of evolution has taught me anything. It's that 2 men can do 3 times as much work as one. Six is the magic number, but it can grow bigger. If you know how to put together a group.
As a team we work together and achieve so much more. In spite of ourselves.
Ask your DM "How can i aid in that roll". and often times you won't be disappointed.
Two guys in the right spot. With an outstretched cloak. Can be the difference between life, or death.
Be johnny on the spot. It's a slick role and it comes with perks.
Originally shared by Aaron McLin
The thing about high shutter speeds is that they freeze the action. Which is cool, but motion blur also gives you a sense of the direction of momentum. Without it, the brain fills things in on its own, and so even though I was there to watch this kid pull off the flip. when I look at this picture, my brain says "Ouch... Cannonballing into concrete has got to hurt."
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