I've been kicking around a D&D campaign for longer than i should.

I've been kicking around a D&D campaign for longer than i should. Today was the day i should have pulled the trigger on it. And first person i talk to suggests we play the new Alternity playtest.

Damned if i wasn't on board.

So, Alternity it is.

In that regard. I share the following anyway.

In my 1st ED games i like to offer a wide range of pre printed Dragon magazine options. In this case. Races and Classes for 1st ED.

Some of them are NPC classes and what have you. But there has yet to be something printed in Dragon magazine that could hope to interfere with my madness in my gaming methods.

All things told. It's neat to see everything that was published on the topic in one place.

Now to get to finishing the rule book.
