Today on D&D

Today on D&D
Today we took our hand to Dungeon World for a quick break in the adventure. The group is spending a month at a keep while armor is built for one of the PCs and while the local Apothecary can create potions for the party.
This time around a player got turned to stone after finding a buried magical portal. They meet the Dryder population that controls the sewers beneath the city. And battled man and monsters for gold and glory.
Dungeon World is great for a one shot game. The method of DMing is very different and the stories told more organic to the interest of the players. As with many of the PBA games. It tries to be inspire the players to play the characters they want in the game they want to play.
Next week we return to the Keep.
And venture off once again on missions for the Elven masters.
We also spent some time talking about other games that i would like to run. As well as games the players want to play or run. One of the Williams asked for "Solar Echoes" ( It seems that he knows the author and had a great time the last he played it. Then In Nomine was mentioned, but it's rare that people want to play Christian Mythos games. I also mentioned that i will be getting the Alterkine main book in the next few days, not to mention the new Alternity.
All in all Sunday is a good day of the week, and one open to players who can make the time.
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