I found a little bit of treasure while i was out and about.
I found a little bit of treasure while i was out and about.
I didn't know about Thousand Suns until last night, and there it was this morning. Plus The Fantasy Roleplaying Gamer's Bible by Sean Patrick Fannon. 2 issues of dragon i didn't have and a fist full of White Dwarf Magazine.
On top of all of that i found a book on the history of Cleveland published in 1950. It's over 1000 pages long.

I didn't know about Thousand Suns until last night, and there it was this morning. Plus The Fantasy Roleplaying Gamer's Bible by Sean Patrick Fannon. 2 issues of dragon i didn't have and a fist full of White Dwarf Magazine.
On top of all of that i found a book on the history of Cleveland published in 1950. It's over 1000 pages long.

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