So today's random gaming gibberings come in the form of heartfelt debate on the topic of MYFAROG.

So today's random gaming gibberings come in the form of heartfelt debate on the topic of MYFAROG. It is a niftish sounding game that isn't D&D but might as well be D&D.

It's a dark and ugly world. Filled with calendars, charts, tables and a few cultural holidays for NPCs.

If you had not heard of it before, google if you will.
You will see a great deal of, let's just call it discussion.  

To save you some time. I broke the whole thing down into a D100 table for ease of use. 

So grab your sack.
And pull out 2D10 and get to it!

1-5    You really love the game!
6-7    You love it enough to have a tantrum.
8-73  You never played or have read the game before.
74-75  You hold this game racist! Because %reason
76-80  You don't like the game.
81-85  You hate the game!
86-90  You hate it enough to have a tantrum.
91-00  You have never heard of the game before.


  1. I saw the shield rules and knew it wasn't for me, entirely apart from the author's declared racism.

  2. is this a game you want to play? If I was going to play something that over detailed I'd pick Pathfinder, you can find people who want to play that easily.

  3. I can't say i'm a fan of that font. I would have gone for something more times roman.

  4. I can't afford such expensive toilet paper.

  5. 80 or 81?
    Only his hairdresser knows for sure!


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