So my next look at Dragon Magazine is issue #168.
So my next look at Dragon Magazine is issue #168.
Back in 1991 i loaned this magazine to a friend of mine who happened to be a fundamentalist mormon. He took bits of paper and pasted over all of the lady bits in the magazine before returning it.
I removed a few of them, but it damaged the hell of out the art it covered.
Have you run into the censorship board with your games?
Have some images been deemed too dangerous for your little eyes?

Back in 1991 i loaned this magazine to a friend of mine who happened to be a fundamentalist mormon. He took bits of paper and pasted over all of the lady bits in the magazine before returning it.
I removed a few of them, but it damaged the hell of out the art it covered.
Have you run into the censorship board with your games?
Have some images been deemed too dangerous for your little eyes?

wow, not even nudes, women in clothing scares this poor fellow.