I got talked into joining Patreon to support a news program i watch regularly.

I got talked into joining Patreon to support a news program i watch regularly. Since i was there i figure it's a great time to throw a few nickels at matt jackson.


  1. I'm not a fan of introducing middle men.
    If you like matt jackson i would much rather send you cash through google wallet or friends and family pay pal.

    That way if i send you 10 bucks, you get 10 bucks.

  2. It would be for the same reason you have a patreon account.

    To buy pens, paper and spend time.

    That's what i would be buying.
    A pen, a book and a beer.

    What comes from that, is why people can be artists for a living. You pay for the process and see what comes of it.

    I just want to encourage it.
    For the sake of it.


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