A look back to games and gaming in 1992.

A look back to games and gaming in 1992.
Come with me and take a look at the advertisements of Dragon Magazine issue #182.

Included are links to all of the items and locations advertised!


  1. TORG was one of my favorite games, ever! I used to run the game for a group during my college years. I even had a player that would tear himself away from MUDing to play TORG.

    Nicely done video! Keep 'em coming!

  2. Vincent Harper thanks.
    Any requests for information out of the old Dragon Mags?

  3. A look back at Snarf Quest would be cool...I started subscribing in 1982, so I remember Basic programming code in some issues for character sheets and such...a piece on those would be cool too...

  4. I can do snarf quest.
    Big fan of Larry Elmore.


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