If you are anything like me.

If you are anything like me.
You've shot at plenty of cars as a young man and learned a lesson or 5.56.

Not long ago, while running a game. Two of my players took cover behind a car and one of them survived. That brought out a bit of a conversation about just what is cover and what is concealment. I knew that most of a car isn't going to stop a round on a regular basis, but i wish i had found this video to illustrate my point better.

As i am sure you have heard me say before. Big Metal Wins.

That can be said for a great many instances. Be it car accidents, getting out of the way of on coming vehicles or just where to hide behind a 2000 Toyota Corolla.

In your next game. Should your players try and hide behind a sedan. Give them a bit of that gritty realism that gamers often ask for. And kill them.


  1. Nice thorough, informative demonstration!

  2. Yeah, but if we push one of these onto the range in Madison, they'd be upset.

  3. Not if you strip the thing first. Remove all glass and fluids and do a good flushing. Remove most of the extraneous crap on the inside and then shoot away.

    As long as you don't make an unreasonable mess of it. You can shoot at a car.

  4. Dragon Gamers Chat, where is it going Jonathan Henry

  5. Fascinating. Puts a lot of action movies into perspective. Not much use in my fantasy game though. Unless you have arrows +4 against Toyotas of course.

  6. Action movies are full of horrible advice. It's one of the reasons to actually train in self defense. Most of the common advice given will just get you killed.

    But, don't listen to me. Me and all of my friends invaded countries with canvas doors and body armor less effective than a Stretch Armstrong doll.


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