A large part of personal security.

A large part of personal security. Is the fact that most of you are poor and disinteresting. That is a layer of security that can not be bought. And it's the most powerful layer ever invented.
But, if in a modern day setting.
Your players make waves.
Do not forget to remind them that this layer of protection was provided by the grand disinterest in them, not by any forethought or preparation. It can be quickly shattered with the smallest amount of professional investigation.
So, when the third game kicks off. Feel free to have an old girlfriend call because the cops are hassling her about them. Make sure that Mom and Dad have been texting. And that old friends from Facebook have been visited.
And just maybe their home has been broken into or their trash has been stolen.
While modern stories can be quite compelling. Don't forget that Big "Bob" isn't watching most folks.
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