As midnight looms ever closer.

As midnight looms ever closer.
I am down for 2 things.

I would love a POD Hardback of Cyberpunk 2020.
Come on DriveThruRPG, i believe in you!

That and i will be delving into the next of my Cyberpunk soundtracks.
This time just a general soundtrack of the dren that fills the data streams.
Classics and remixed classics. Classics as remixed classics that you didn't know were classics. And obtuse bullshit that for some odd reason made itself on to a list of 2020 hits.

What song to you associate with a dystopian future?
Who has been ignored for 50 years, yet was a genius for the modern punk?


  1. The format of games on RPGnow is up to the game creator. Not RPGnow.

  2. Drat. I think i need to poke at Mr. Pondsmith.


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