Okay cats and kittens.

Okay cats and kittens. Today is the day. I will be running Dungeon World or Apocalypse World. Hit me up if you are interested.


  1. When will your game start? (time / timezone?)

  2. Jonathan Henry Are you planning to do a one-shot, or go multi-session?

  3. I have a slow week ahead of me. I could do a multi session, if we can get a group back together each time. But as it stands i think i'll run this. And soon i'll run a few Fiascos and maybe a red box or 1 ED.

  4. I've got my eye on The Operator, in case there's anyone else picking their character. (not calling dibs, just voicing preference)

  5. As I haven't played AW yet, any recommendations which playbooks are not well suited for first-time AW players and which ones are?

  6. Frank Falkenberg Battlebabe, Gunlugger, and the Operator are probably the easiest to get into. I'm planning on playing an Operator. I don't know if Jonathan Henry will be allowing duplicates.


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