Over the past weeks, i have had a good chuckle at hypocrisy in the gaming world.

Over the past weeks, i have had a good chuckle at hypocrisy in the gaming world.

Just remember kids, Frank Mentzer is a monster, but H.P. Lovecraft was a genius.

You kids and your selective memories.


  1. I ignore drama as much as possible. Happy to say I ignored this one too.

  2. Trying to work with the Cthulhu Mythos without including Lovecraft's blatant racism is a topic that's been pretty thoroughly discussed. The advantage there is that Lovecraft is dead, and so using the property doesn't send money to a bigot. Mentzer is still alive, and so the problem of separating art and artist is considerably more complex.

  3. I guess you haven't read all of the bigotry apologists for Lovecraft. And all of the hysterical ranting about Mentzer.

    But hey, everybody is a hypocrite. Some of us just can't pick a good hill to die on.

  4. I've read enough of both to know about the problems with each. And I know that humanity doesn't learn from this kind of crap and we'll do it all again in a couple of years.

  5. Have the bigotry apologists for Mr. Lovecraft been the same individuals who are ranting about Mr. Mentzer? Otherwise, so what? Any large enough group of individuals will have enough people on opposite sides of some issue that a charge of institutional hypocrisy can always be made to stick.

  6. Yes.

    I'm just pointing out that folks love to jump on the bandwagon for a good 2 minutes of hate. With no introspection.

    It's America's new favorite past time. Virtue Signaling on the internet.

  7. Again, with nothing being learned, as you pointed out. No introspection = nothing actually getting fixed. We're really good at being outraged at the latest issue. We suck at fixing the root causes.


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