When i was a kid.

When i was a kid.
Mr. Spock broke it down for me, in a way that was intended as a marketing ploy. But i was a kid and didn't know any better. That was IDIC. Infinite Diversity through Infinite Combination.

It was originally written for Bill to get the medal, but he refused on the grounds of marketing. But, Lenny saw it as a nobel message, marketing aside. It spoke to current events of the 1960's and resonated with the fans for decades thereafter.

In your games. You will find the greatest surprises and best stories when you include characters of all stripes. Because a diverse group creates new and interesting stories because of the differences in background. To deny that is simply to deny yourself optimal fun.

To segregate your games, to segregate your discussions is to limit your ability to learn and simply shows the world your prefered form of bigotry.

We as humans are so damn near genetically identical as to make very little difference between you and me. Whoever you are reading this, know that you and i share much more in common than we hold different. To spotlight those differences is to simply build walls to keep people out for superficial reasoning.

But hey, this is still a free country. If you want to make your stand as a voice of bigotry, you can and are free to do so. But i am also free to point at your bigotry and call you what you are, what you have chosen to be. A bigot.

So, get in on more gaming. Talk to new and different people. Hear their stories and tell some of your own. Because with Infinite Diversity we can create Infinite Combinations. Meaning you will never be bored and people prefer board games over bored games.
