
Showing posts from September, 2015

It's gamer chat time!

So i was listening to some Filk, when what should i happen upon?

Why not.

Hey there cats and kittens!


At least once a month i am asked "Who is this Jack character and just what makes him so gods damned happy".

Just to make sure it still looks like a hangout.

It's friday!

One of my favorite sayings.

Hello there neighbor.

The scandal of exploding dice!

For some odd reason i have the theme to Blazing Saddles stuck in my head.

Who's the man?

While talking odd games. I am always reminded of Everyone Is John.

Well hello there goodly gamer!


Got some place to be this weekend?

It just ain't a space opera without music.

I got a bouncy house!

So, dating is harder than it used to be.

Want to know what your Steampunk Bard would be singing in those bars out in the Ether?

Where the rubber meets the road. Where flesh and steel are one is a sound.

Well shucks!

I love me some far future RPGs.

While i continue to struggle with a bit of technology.


My plans for the evening have been canceled.

The good folks in OZ have come up with a sport that i could get behind.

For the likes of Wayne Humfleet and other Rebel Scum.